Michael Coppola worked a variety of jobs throughout his career, including as an emergency medical technician, a ranger, and a dispatcher. For 14 years, he worked as a police officer, advancing to the rank of the Chief of Police. Since 2012, Michael Coppola has run CJIS Solutions, a software company based in Little Falls, New Jersey. The company provides its customers with cloud-hosted products and solutions, from storage to cloud computing.
Cloud computing provides on-demand computing services over the internet. A company can provide applications, storage space, and even processing power through this technology. With cloud computing, customers can utilize remote computers to avoid the costs associated with owning and maintaining a permanent IT infrastructure.
Cloud computing can be divided into three categories: IaaS, SaaS, and Paas. IaaS stands for infrastructure as a service. This type of cloud computing is the most flexible one and provides access to remote storage and networking features. Meanwhile, SaaS stands for software as a service and provides the client with a working software solution that is based on the provider’s cloud. Online email clients are the most prominent example of SaaS.
Lastly, PaaS stands for platform as a service. This type of cloud computing is geared towards developers and provides them with space where they can deploy applications. Developers have APIs, processes, and tools to speed up the development process.